Have you ever struggled with sticking to diets and trying to keep your weight off? Did you ever pay for gym memberships and just never went to do a single workout? Have you ever promised yourself that you will start a diet next Monday but that day never came?
This was my life…
For many years I struggled with weight loss, constantly yoyo-ing; losing 6 kilos, then gaining 10. One minute I’m motivated, the next I’m not. I used to say to myself… “Well ok, I will just enjoy eating this weekend and then start next Monday…” but Monday never came because my love of food was greater than the simple thought of being healthy. I would get really frustrated at why I can’t just eat what I want, when I want, and not put on weight… Just like some people do.
I was addicted to fast food and I craved it every day.
Instead of living a healthy lifestyle I adopted bad eating habits. Sometimes I would starve, binge and even purge. I had a problem, but I wouldn’t admit it. As months went by my eating habits got worse, and I was very unhappy about this. It was no longer under my control.
I started working hard on myself by adopting a healthy lifestyle, but it wasn’t easy. I tried to get back on my feet, but every time I was faced with obstacles I didn’t know how to deal with my emotions. So every time I would just binge and purge… Bulimia at it’s best…
I was eating unhealthy food and drinking alcohol to help me sleep at night. I wasn’t exercising as I had no energy – I was tired all the time and lacked concentration. Overall I had no motivation to do anything.
Then, a friend of mine showed me a post on Facebook… An 8 week body transformation challenge!! I was quite interested to be honest, considering I had nothing to lose. So I texted the guy who posted this to see what it was all about and when I can get started.
I joined their community ‘Be Healthy and Fit Malta’ in February of this year. I started going to fit clubs and attending their talks about nutrition. Through this community, I got to meet such amazing people, full of life and energy. I loved it!
In April, I started using Herbalife products which are promoted by the community. I also decided to join the team and become an active member. I was taking Herbalife healthy breakfast and attended fit clubs at least 3 times a week. The products are amazing! I was getting really good results, so I posted my progress on social media… Including photos of my before and after. People started asking me all about it and that’s when I decided to help others.
I lost a total of 10% of my body fat, and gained 4kgs of muscle. I eat healthy throughout the day, and have so much energy! And I finally started sleeping better too. My concentration has improved, anxiety levels are down and so is the bulimia. I changed my way of thinking and changed my lifestyle… I finally stopped dieting!!
Now I can understand how important it is to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Not only to look and feel better, or just to increase your self-esteem and confidence. To me, this lifestyle has improved my mental well-being. I no longer live with anxiety and depression.
Now I am a wellness coach and a fit coach. I love what I do and the way it makes me feel. I love how, just by exercising and eating well, my mood has improved and has made me a more positive person. And most of all I love sharing my experience with others.
I have bad days like everyone does, I am not always positive. I get angry and I cry, because after all I am human. This is a lifestyle, not a quick fix to lose weight. You have to have a mind set, to reach your goals by turning them into plans.
It’s not easy … But it’s simple …
All you have to do is believe…
Sarah Ebejer is a mental health nurse, working at a psychiatric hospital. She recently became an entrepreneur, and also works as a wellness and fit coach on a part-time basis. She is an outgoing person who loves to socialise and meet new people. You can reach her at sera_ebejer@hotmail.com or follow her on Instagram.
I really hope Sarah’s journey inspired you in many ways! I personally applaud her on coming out stronger than ever after a struggle! Leading a healthy lifestyle can have such a positive impact on all of us. If you would like Sarah to add you to the ‘Be Healthy and Fit Malta’ group please message her on Facebook. She’d be happy to help you start your new journey!
And if this wasn’t motivating enough, I decided to give you a little nudge to get you towards a fit and healthy lifestyle… In the from of a giveaway! You can win two 1 month gym memberships, one for you and one for your gym buddy (so you can motivate each other!). The gym is open 24/7, so you can go at any time of the day, or night!